Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Patriots weren't looking very good so far this year. So this past weekend Max and I wore our Patriot bandanas for the game, and it worked. They looked much better this week. We're going to keep them on all week, so there won't be any problems this weekend.

Now let's see if I can upload a video of playtime in our secret spot.

Wow! It worked! Bo is starting to catch the tennis ball in the air, on the 1 bounce.

Here's the video of Bo and Max on North Twin.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Yes, I know it's been a long time. Summer's craziness is finally over and things are settling down here, a little, in late summer and now offically fall! Yesterday I went swimming as you can see. I love playing with my Scuba Man. I could swim after him all day. I wish they'd let me chew his arms off.
Bill finally did some hiking and took some nice pictures and videos as you can and will see. Nice picture from Mt. Crawford of Giant Stairs, and Washington in the background -9/9/09.

Bill had to hike alone during his vacation, because his STUPID timeshare doesn't allow dogs! Hello! It's the 21st century, WAKE UP!!!! But he finally found time to bring Max and Bo on a hike this past week. Bo's 2nd 4000 footer, North Twin, 4761 ft. #12 on the elevation list.
Wish I could show you the video but it's taking forever to upload. think I'll have to cancel. Sorry, no pictures on top of N. Twin, all video. I'll try again later.

Time for my beauty rest. Just wanted to show everybody pictures of ME!