Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Excursion to North Andover

  Sunday Afternoon in the Conservation Area

Here are some videos from our walk in the conservation area today.  Only a few of them are small enough to post here. I have to remember to bring my ipod touch for videos so they don't take up as much space as my iphone.

First we went to the BIG field to walk and throw the ball.
Then after Bo is tired out from all the running.  We head back and sit and relax and enjoy being out in the woods for a bit.

And then we head back towards the car and stop by the pond for awhile.
And that is all that I can upload for today.  I'll try to produce some better videos on our next excursion.  

Monday, April 1, 2013

         Tom, Atticus and Will in Andover

I went to see Atticus and Will (with Tom Ryan) at the Massachusetts School of Law on Saturday.  I got a really nice picture of Will.  Will is 16 now, mostly blind, totally deaf, and very arthritic.  Tom took him in last summer expectly him to only last a few months,  But now he's thriving under Tom's care.  He's got in made now, so why would he want to leave.

And for a while, he was sitting with the people right next to me.

                           And of course Atticus was there.

                             And I took some video too.

Tom spoke and answered questions for about 45 minutes. It was really nice to get so "up close and personal" with Will and Atticus.
I wasn't expecting that. He and Atticus then received a humanitarian award for all the money they raised for the Jimmy fund while climbing the New Hampshire 48 in Winter.  And in case you missed it, they were on PBS in New Hampshire on Willem Lang's 'Windows to the Wild' show, which I've heard will be repeated on Boston's PBS station at some point, or I'm sure you can google it and find it on the web.