Thursday, February 21, 2013

Here are some pictures from the big February blizzard.
Tom's car was hiding in the snow bank. 
That's Tom shoveling the end of the driveway.  He loves to shovel.
He goes out shoveling every chance he gets. He likes to make big piles of snow.
The snow doesn't impress me that much. It interferes with my walks. 
We couldn't go out walking for 4 days, it was horrible.  But then we started going back to the Methuen Rail Trail and have been walking everyday since.  

That's me on the MRT just the other day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Inspired by the book, Following Atticus, I'm going to start trying to post here again so my friends and relatives who refuse to join Facebook can get updates on our lives.  Because our lives are sooooooo interesting.

Today we traveled to Bourne to visit Auntie Joy with Kristin, Henry and Tom.
I really like Henry's cool Patriot's hat, don't you?
Henry likes it too.

I've been having trouble getting videos to upload on here, so I'm going to be working on that. Hope to have some up soon.