Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pictures from a snowy couple of weeks.

We usually don't get much snow here in Rockport, due to the moderating effect of the ocean, but we've definitely got our share here the last couple of weeks. Most pictures are of the neighbors' house so they can see how it looks with the most snow I've seen in 9 winters here. I took the picture of our house last Friday, a rare sunny day. I've finally got a day off after shovelling the last 5 days in a row. My Audi with Quatro all wheel drive was actually stuck in our driveway, all 4 wheels spinning. The first time in 7 years that I've had the car, that it couldn't move. I had to shovel snow, chop ice, spread kitty litter for over an hour to get the car out. Ya, it's been a fun couple of weeks. I haven't been able to use the truck for 3 weeks now. Too much snow. Which means I'm bringing the garbage to the dump in my Audi now. Oh well, I don't use it for much of anything else. Just trips to the grocery store,.....and now to the dump.