Sunday, May 23, 2010

Indian Head May 22, 2010

For those of you not on Facebook, here are some pictures from the first hike of 2010.

The summit attempt begins.

Into the wilderness.

The team works hard to climb the ridge.

Three members of the summit team, Kristin, Donna and Max (Bill and Bodog not pictured).

It was a bit overcast, some bugs, protection needed. A little cool on top after a while, but nice view of southern-most Franconia Notch.

And this is a picture of Kristin, on Indian Head, holding a picture of Kristin, on Indian Head. Just think of the implications if we make this an annual hike.

So as long as we're talking hiking, here's an old video from Huntington ravine on the side of Mt Washington in September of '08.

Who wants to do Huntington Ravine?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Clouds and squirrels

When walking the dogs over in the condo's after work, sometimes there are some interesting sunsets and stuff. We won't be playing at the condo's much now, the owners are allowed back in, our season is over. Now we'll have to walk up the path and into the park for the summer. And see all those 'other people'.
Don't you just hate it when you can't reach the squirrel? Buckley does.

It's like he's intentionally trying to taught poor Buckley, flapping his tail like that!

It's not easy being Buckley.

And here's video of us playing, probably for the very last time in Morris and Maryanne's backyard. They are supposed to be back from Florida today, and plan on selling their house this year. No more having an extra play area all winter, and no more cutting through their yard to get to the condo's. Sigh.